Colorado Lawyers Defending Clients Against Prostitution and Solicitation Charges
If you are charged and have been arrested for prostitution or solicitation of prostitution in Arapahoe County or Jefferson County, then you have to make sure you hire a criminal defense attorney with the experience and knowledge necessary to properly defend these cases. These charges can ruin your reputation, destroy your career and your marriage, and break up your family.
Often people meet on a website or find each other on Craigslist or One person thinks they are meeting for consensual sex, while the other person is planning on getting paid for the sexual act. Regardless of the outcome, if you are arrested or charged with solicitation of prostitution, or prostitution in Denver, then you are looking at a criminal record that could ruin your life.
Experienced Legal Help from Former Government Lawyers
Prostitution-related criminal charges rarely fail to bring surprises. “Johns” are often set up by police officers who won’t hesitate to lure men to hotel rooms with a full police squad in an adjoining room, ready to burst through the door. Prostitutes can encounter aggressive prosecutors in high-end suburbs and other jurisdictions who are anxious to keep their cities “clean.” And escorts face constant and confusing issues regarding licensing.
At the law firm of Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., in Denver, we have represented a wide range of clients against prostitution-related charges. We can walk you through the steps of the criminal defense legal process and seek to have your charges dismissed or reduced — and go to trial if necessary to defend your rights.
Do you have questions regarding solicitation laws? Laws related to escort services? Contact the criminal defense attorneys at our firm today. Call 720-407-2582.
What Are the Definitions and Punishments of These Sex Crimes?
- Solicitation of prostitution (CRS 18-7-202) is the act of offering money or another thing of value for sex. Solicitation of prostitution is a class 3 misdemeanor in Adams County and can carry up to six months in county jail and a permanent criminal record. The last thing a prospective employer wants to see on your record is a conviction for prostitution. Do the smart thing and consult with one of our Colorado legal experts today and find out the best solutions to your case.
- Prostitution (CRS 18-7-201) is the act of offering any sexual service for money or a thing of value. Prostitution in Lakewood, Golden or any other city is a class 3 misdemeanor and could subject you to up to three months in county jail or some jail and a term of probation. Make sure you don’t go it alone. Call Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., to begin your defense with a free consultation today at 720-407-2582
- Pimping (CRS 18-7-206) in Arapahoe is a very serious charge and usually involves an arrest and a booking process and a very large bond. Often bond amounts are set in excess of $50,000 and require conditions of pretrial release if you managed to post your bond. We see many people charged with pimping in Colorado in connection with prostitution cases.
- Pandering (CRS 18-7-203) in Denver is a class 5 felony and involves forcing someone else to commit sexual acts for money or a thing of value. Even though pandering in Colorado is not as serious a felony as pimping, we often see the two charged together in connection with prostitution or solicitation charges.
How Do I Find a Good Solicitation or Prostitution Lawyer in Denver?
The first thing you should ask yourself is whether you can afford to be found guilty and have a permanent prostitution record in Colorado. Most people shudder at the thought of being seen as a prostitute or someone who solicited sex for money. We understand. We have more than 20 years of combined criminal defense experience defending sex-related crimes and prostitution cases, and we bring that legal knowledge to the table and to court for you.
We have defended many cases where a nice guy driving down Colfax Avenue in Denver or Arapahoe stops to give a girl a ride. Next thing he knows he is being surrounded by police cars and accused of wanting sex for money. We understand you are frustrated. You have every right to be mad. So even the playing field by hiring the defense team with the knowledge and experience to get you through these hard times.
Contact an Experienced Lawyer Today to Get Started
Call our legal team right now and we will meet for a free and private consultation in a discreet setting. We will listen to you and defend your rights in a way that saves you and your family a lifetime of embarrassment. Email us or call us right now at 720-407-2582. We will fight for you every step of the way.
We offer free initial consultations, answer phones 24 hours a day, and offer same-day appointments and immediate jail visits. Also, we charge affordable rates, offer payment plans and accept credit cards.