Defend Yourself Against Driving Under Restraint Charges in Colorado
Driving under restraint in Colorado (DUR), which is sometimes called driving under suspension (DUS), can be one of the most crippling of all traffic charges. Aside from a DUI, it is the next major traffic charge that often results in jail time and driver’s license suspension. If you are charged with DUS or DUR, you should consider hiring a Colorado traffic lawyer and call Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., for a free consultation at 720-407-2582.
DUR Frequently Asked Questions
I was stopped and the police say I have a revoked driver’s license. How many types of DUR or DUS charges are there?
There are two types of driving under restraint charges in Colorado, both of which involve drastically different penalties.
First there are driving under restraint charges that are caused by point suspensions, unpaid tickets, unpaid child support, and license holds from other states. These are called non-alcohol related revocations. Unlike their more scary counterparts, they do not have mandatory jail sentences, but don’t think they are not serious. If you are found guilty of DUR in Colorado, you can still face between 0 days and a maximum of 6 months of jail.
Even if you are not facing a jail sentence it is still incredibly important to hire a knowledgeable Denver traffic attorney, as you will still have to avoid more time being added to a license revocation. How does that happen?
So you got a driving under suspension charge and you go to traffic court in Arapahoe County, Denver County, or Jefferson County alone. The prosecutor says he will skip the jail and just give you a small fine and a few points on your driver’s license. You take the deal and you go home happy that “you got away with one”. Not so fast; unfortunately, the points you just received will suspend your Colorado driver’s license for another year!
How do I Handle Alcohol-Related DUR Charges?
This is the significantly more dangerous version of DUR in Colorado and can carry much harsher penalties than other DUS in traffic courts.
If your license is revoked due to a DUI or DWAI the DMV calls it an “alcohol-related restraint.” If you get caught driving while under an alcohol-related restraint (DUR-Alc) the penalties are severe for the first violation, and absolutely horrible if you receive a second conviction in Colorado criminal courts.
I received a DUR-Alc, was thrown in jail and had my car impounded. Should I hire a lawyer?
The short answer is yes, we suggest you hire an attorney if you receive a DUR-Alc. In the state of Colorado this type of charge carries with it a minimum and mandatory 30-day jail sentence if you are found guilty. The maximum jail sentence associated with this charge is one year in jail. DUR-alc is also a habitual traffic offender strike and will result in the additional revocation of your driver’s license. If you are found guilty a second time on this charge, then the maximum penalty can be as much as 2 years in county jail. That is double the maximum penalty of a DUI charge in Colorado! This is why we say when you receive a ticket for DUR, you should consider hiring the expert Denver, Jefferson County and Arapahoe traffic attorneys at Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C.. The consultation is free and you can call us today at 720-407-2582.
Am I going to jail on my Colorado DUR-Alc charge?
Each traffic court within Colorado treats DUR-Alc charges differently. In some cases you may face very harsh penalties while in other courthouses you may be able to maneuver your way out of a mandatory jail sentence. Sometimes it comes down to the prosecutor, sometimes it comes down to the judge.
Either way, what you can always count on, is that your experienced Colorado traffic attorney from Shazam Kianpour & Associates will be there fighting for your freedom and driver’s license every step of the way! It is always a gamble going into court alone on these charges. And every court will be different! For example, a DUR-Alc charge in Arapahoe County will be treated differently than a DUR-Alc in Jefferson County. The same can be said for Adams County, Douglas County, and even Denver County where the most traffic cases are filed and the best Denver traffic lawyers are defending them.
Driving Without a License — Is It Different From DUR or DUS?
We are Colorado defense attorneys for people charged with driving on a suspended license. Did you know that driving without a license or driving on a suspended or revoked license can result in more jail time than a DUI? You also face re-suspension of your driver’s license, making your situation even worse.
At Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., we represent clients who have been charged with driving without a license, and driving on a suspended or revoked driver’s license. Sometimes, a driver cannot get a license because of an unresolved traffic issue in another state. We help you figure out what to do and walk you through the solutions.
Whatever your situation, our lawyers will take immediate action to help avoid harsh penalties and consequences. Our traffic attorneys have represented thousand of clients in traffic cases. We know how to negotiate with prosecutors to lessen the suspension period or keep you out of jail. We may also be able to help you obtain a limited license for purposes of work and school.
Do not simply accept the empty promise from a young district attorney that a particular deal will not hurt your license. These young DAs are likely not familiar with Colorado DMV law like the Colorado traffic attorneys at Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C. We understand how driver’s license suspension laws work because we have been defending traffic cases in all Colorado counties for over 20 years combined.
Contact Us Today for Immediate Help
At Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., we are some of the finest DMV attorneys and traffic lawyers in Colorado. We have been fighting traffic tickets in Douglas County, Adams County, Jefferson County, Arapahoe County and all other counties in Colorado, and we will fight to ensure your license is protected and stays in your wallet where it belongs. Call us for a free consultation at 720-407-2582 and protect your license today!