Understand the Difference Between Misdemeanor and Felony Sex Crimes in Colorado
So you are charged with a sex crime and you want to know how serious it is. Your first step is determining whether you are looking at felony or misdemeanor sex charges in Colorado.
Misdemeanor Sex Crimes in Colorado
Misdemeanor sex crimes in Denver come in one major category; they are almost all class one misdemeanors known as M1. Class one misdemeanors in Colorado are the most serious misdemeanor that you can be charged with and they have very real and long-lasting consequences. You are facing up to two years in county jail, up to a $5,000 fine, and the possibility of probation and jail. Your probation will involve a horrific level of inconveniences, expenses, embarrassments and costs. You may not be able to see your children, use the Internet or a computer, or work at your current job. If you travel for your job or plan on a new job, the restrictions on even misdemeanor sex crimes in Colorado are near unbearable.
Misdemeanor Unlawful Sexual Contact (CRS 18-3-404) and Indecent Exposure in Colorado (CRS 18-7-302)
Even though the legislature has recently made a push to make some lower-level misdemeanor crimes like urinating in public a sexual crime with sex offender consequences, the majority of filed misdemeanor sex crimes in Arapahoe County and Douglas County and other metro area counties involve the two different crimes of misdemeanor unlawful sexual contact in Arapahoe (CRS 18-3-404) and indecent exposure in Colorado (CRS 18-7-302). There are other misdemeanor sex crimes in but they are not charged half as often as the two above.
Misdemeanor Sex Crime Sentencing
All misdemeanor sex crimes in Colorado carry determinate sentences, which means that unlike felony sex crimes in Colorado, there is a limited number of years that you can be sent to jail or put on probation for them. However, certain requirements like misdemeanor sex offender registration can last a minimum of 10 years and most courts heavily consider not removing that requirement and making you register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. Furthermore, practically no sex offense can ever be expunged or sealed from your record no matter how many years go by, so to think that a misdemeanor sex crime in Larimer County is a small matter is a serious mistake. Did you know that if you are convicted of a sex crime and every time you are put on probation for another crime, you have to do sex offender probation all over again? Yes, you are reading this correctly. That is why you should call or email Shazam Kianpour right now to discuss your misdemeanor sex charges and to get the expert help of a Colorado sex crime attorney who knows how to handle the sensitive nature and defense of these cases.
Felony Sex Crimes in Colorado
Felony sex crimes in Colorado come in a whole variety of terrifying and life changing formats. They can be charged as low as a class six felony sex crime in Colorado (F6) or as high as a class two felony sex crime (F2). No matter what class your felony is, there will be consequences that only a Denver criminal defense lawyer with years of sex crimes defense experience can handle.
Class 5 and Class 6 Sex Felonies in Colorado
All class 5 and class 6 sex felonies in Colorado are considered “determinate” sentence sex crimes. That means they do not carry “lifelong” consequences like the more serious sex crime felonies such as sex assault on a child and sex assault (rape) do. However, all felony sex assault crimes in Colorado, whether they are indeterminate or determinate, carry certain mandatory requirements such as felony sex offender probation (SOISP), lifetime sex offender registration in Colorado, or loss of your freedoms such as a social life, activities with your children, being able to possess a firearm or have an alcoholic drink.
Call 720-407-2582 right now to speak to a sex assault attorney in Denver who has the years of experience and number of sex crime cases handled to put you in the driver’s seat and begin the effective defense of your case today.
Class 4 and Class 3 Sex Felonies in Colorado
Almost all class 4 and class 3 felonies in Colorado are considered “indeterminate” sex crimes. That means their sentences carry with them potential lifelong penalties that could include possible life on felony sex offender probation or life in prison. The indeterminate nature of these more serious felony sex crimes makes them very dangerous, and only the most experienced and knowledgeable sex assault and rape defense lawyers should handle them. Prosecutors treat felony sex assault cases that involve sex assault on a child or rape as the most serious. Often the negotiations come to a standstill until your criminal defense lawyer can provide the mitigation and assurances the district attorney is looking for to ensure they are not giving a bad person a good deal. This is why it is so important that you pick the right Denver sex assault lawyer who knows how to speak to the sex crimes prosecutors and who has spent a career handling these types of tough cases.
Going to court with a cheap and inexperienced lawyer is not the right time to figure out you hired someone who is more scared of the case than you are. Don’t go it alone, call Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., today to discuss your case and to make sure you are represented in the manner that you deserve. We treat our clients like they are family. We take the time to listen to you and talk to you about how we can help and what defenses are available and which options you may want to look at. Being there for our clients, caring and listening to them with compassion is not our most common approach, it is our only approach.
Protect Your Reputation and Contact Us Today – Free Consultation
So whether you are charged with or facing misdemeanor sex crimes, serious low-level felony sex crimes, or the most serious high-level felony sex crimes, give Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., a call and start your defense by making the right choice. When you need us, we are there for you. Email Shazam using the form on this site, or call him to speak to him right now at 720-407-2582.