No one should ever downplay the seriousness of domestic violence. However, a wrongful conviction for domestic violence can lead to irreversible damage to a person's reputation that will likely have lasting consequences in all areas of that person's life. An...
Domestic Violence
Research finds common themes in domestic violence cases
Even though every individual supposedly criminal incident has its own back story and details, academics and the legal system like to find common threads within certain types of cases. This is true with the legal matter of domestic violence. Identifying common threads...
Mel Gibson has an enemy in his stepmom, who wants restraining order
Surprise, surprise. Former A-list actor Mel Gibson is the target of another legal attack. He's in the limelight due to a more personal matter this time, involving his father and his stepmother. ABC News reports that the stepmom is seeking a restraining order against...
Domestic violence may become a focus in women’s medical visits
Accusations of abuse are extremely serious. They can affect a person's freedom, family life and overall reputation in his community. Many people become the targets of false domestic violence allegations, and a charge will go far enough in the legal process to...
Court rules neglect caused child’s obesity, takes kid from family
This post covers an out-of-state child abuse case because the matter is both notable and timely. It is no surprise that obesity is a big problem in Colorado and throughout the entire country. The recent health focus has been on overweight children, and it sounds like...
Domestic violence claim keeps Colorado player off football field
There are certain accusations in life that have more significant negative effects on a person's reputation and overall life. A highly-regarded football player for Colorado State University is living the reality of that point currently. He's being accused of domestic...
Denver child’s death leads to felony child abuse charge
Criminal charges are serious for anyone, but they can be especially life-changing for those who have children. In the case of one Colorado woman, she was in jail for a drug possession conviction when she had her child. He spent the beginning of his life in the hands...
Colorado mother suspected of less obvious form of child abuse
Authorities in Colorado take suspicion of child abuse very seriously. An accusation of child abuse is a life-changing, damaging thing for any parent, and one Colorado mother is living with that hardship after an incident on Thursday. According to a Denver source,...
International group opposes past Colorado domestic violence case
Certain kinds of cases evoke stronger emotions than others. Crimes of violence create passionate responses, especially when they involve the deaths of children. A past, high-profile, Colorado domestic violence case not only made waves in the state, but it made them...
Colorado enacts law related to pregnancy and domestic violence
In March, we shared a post discussing a proposed Colorado legislation related to domestic violence. Lawmakers in the state are trying to create laws that make it easier to solve homicides of women and that could prevent domestic abuse.As we noted in the previous post...