It may be hard to believe, but Colorado allows criminal charges to be brought against a 10-year-old child. However, this may change shortly if new legislation passes. This bill (HB23-1249 Reduce Justice-involvement For Young Children) is an updated version of a 2022...
Juvenile Crime
Some valuable tips for spring breakers
It's March, which means a couple of things for college students. For those who like basketball, March Madness is around the corner. For those who want to party, spring break is days away. It could mean heading down to the Gulf Coast for sun, salt water and beaches or...
Strategies for raising at-risk-teens
Raising children is often one of the most rewarding yet challenging jobs one has in life. Parents want happy children that grow into responsible, trustworthy and successful (in the broadest sense of the term) adults. There are, however, many distractions and...
2 factors that can encourage juvenile delinquency
A parent’s top priorities are the safety and happiness of their child. When the kid is young, you have a more substantial influence. As they get older, they start to gain more of their independence. At the end of the day, you’re not going to be able to keep an eye on...
It’s vital to take underage drinking charges seriously
In recent years, law enforcement and the media have often focused on teens using drugs. This is for a good reason, with the risk of overdosing on hard drugs a significant concern among parents across Colorado and elsewhere. Somewhat forgotten in the discussion on...
Why getting consent is essential
The #MeToo movement reached a zeitgeist a few years back, with many famous and influential people paying the social and legal price for their crimes and indiscretions. Nevertheless, more than just famous people get caught in this reckoning. Romantic partners,...
The truth about youth who commit sex offenses
Sexually inappropriate behavior by minors must be addressed, but youngsters should be treated differently than adults. Doing so serves the best interests of the child and the community. Adolescents are continually changing, developing and learning, so it should be no...
Using a taser on youth is not okay
The police's use of tasers was in the national spotlight after an officer in Minnesota accidentally shot a suspect with her handgun instead of using her taser. She was recently convicted of first- and second-degree manslaughter charges. While this tragedy involved the...
New truancy program in Colorado identifies high-risk children
Most understand the value of school and education. It provides a strong foundation of knowledge that enables children to learn skills for better-paying jobs. But traditional approaches do not work for all children, which means they could lose interest. If juveniles...
Identifying and addressing cyberbullying crimes
It is no surprise that cyberbullying has become increasingly common as we spend more and more of our lives online. Indeed, what was once something that occurred on a playground or a place of employment is now online. In broad terms, it involves using the internet or...