Most driving under the influence charges in Colorado are misdemeanors, but prosecutors may pursue felony charges. This will happen to so-called “four-strikes offenders,” repeat offenders or those with complicated circumstances surrounding their arrest. It can mean...
Felony DUI
A notable day for an already tough Colorado DUI law
As we stressed in a previous blog post at the long-tenured Denver criminal defense firm of Shazam, Kianpour & Associates, Colorado law enforcers "have never been compromising or lenient to any extent when it comes to prosecuting drinking-related offenses."In fact,...
Colorado’s already harsh felony DUI law could become even tougher
Colorado authorities have never been compromising or lenient to any extent when it comes to prosecuting drinking-related offenses and seeking harsh outcomes for convicted offenders.The state's felony DUI statute is a case in point. That enactment, which became law in...
Recent holiday brings strong DUI focus; a few words on penalties
Just how serious are Colorado law enforcers when it comes to looking for alleged impaired drivers and obtaining criminal drunk driving convictions?Let a few material details relating to St. Patrick's Day answer that question.Here's one: Law enforcement agencies across...
Ninth DUI leads to felony conviction for Colorado man
Colorado's recent felony DUI expansion was brought to bear in a very real way recently, during the sentencing of a man who had numerous prior DUI convictions across several states. The defendant was appearing to face his ninth DUI charge in Colorado.The district...
After a third DUI conviction, the stakes are much higher
After your third DUI, you may have promised yourself and others that you would not make that mistake again. The financial and personal damage you experienced probably lingered for months or even years. Despite all that, you found yourself on the other side of a...
What makes a felony DUI so bad?
A felony DUI is unlike other forms because it is intended for those who have caused harm to another person due to their negligence. If you're in a situation where you were driving while intoxicated and hit a vehicle or a pedestrian, you could be facing this charge. A...
Denver felony DUI law allows judges discretion
Colorado is a state that is often willing to make bold legal moves that produce skepticism both within the state and without. While the notion of "controversial legislation" may immediately bring to mind Colorado's progressive legislation regarding the recreational...
Hit-and-run driver allegedly laughed after fatal accident
If you were in an accident and have been accused of drunk driving, you know you have the right to fight that charge. It can quickly become harder to do so if you're accused of mocking or laughing after the accident, though, like in this case. That's why having your...
A DUI doesn’t have to involve alcohol
When we hear about DUI or DWI,charges, many people think they they are alcohol related. That isn't always the case. It is possible to face DUI or DWI charges because of drugs. There are some important facts you should know about drugged driving.Not all drugged driving...