Prescriptions drugs are part of life for a large segment of society. These drugs can improve the user’s quality of life, help battle an illness or medicinally serve the user in some specific way. Because they can be so beneficial, some may want to share their...
Drug Charges
Yes, marijuana is “legal” in Colorado, but …
“With great flower comes great responsibility.” So states with a bit of underlying humor one of many online in-depth analyses spotlighting Colorado marijuana laws. The point that centrally emerges from that overview and additional reports is this: Colorado stands...
Reason to fear: when law enforcers turn rogue
We imagine that many readers of our criminal law blogs at the proven Denver criminal defense law firm of Shazam Kianpour & Associates have heard the phrase “the thin blue line.” That expression refers to the metaphorical wall of protection provided by law...
Spotlight on federal/state collusion in evidence matters, Part 2
The bottom line expressed in our immediately preceding blog post is clear-cut. It underscores the need for a proven criminal defense attorney to subject every piece of evidence against a client to closest scrutiny. We note in our February 5 entry that the importance...
What is “parallel construction,” and should it concern Americans?
Maybe it was nothing more than the lucky break that law enforcers and prosecutors say it was. The driver simply made a questionable lane change on a freeway outside Denver and was pulled over. And, behold, multiple police officers who just happened to converge at the...
How do you know if a police search and seizure was lawful?
A short answer to the above-posed headline query in today's blog post is this: You often don't know, at least not immediately. And that can obviously be troubling, as well as tremendously consequential, for any Colorado resident who is arrested and sought to be...
Driving While High: Always Illegal in Colorado
Over the last few years, new laws regarding the legalization of marijuana in Colorado have brought many new factors into question. One of these issues regards the combination of marijuana use and driving, which, like alcohol use and driving is still illegal, despite...
Man arrested for drug distribution in Colorado
When police investigate certain crimes, they might suspect a person of a completely unrelated crime during the course of their original investigation. This can result in a person being charged with multiple crimes.Police might say that they were investigating a...
Customers arrested for alleged purchase of “spice” at store
An alleged synthetic drug ring in Colorado which has claimed to have been the subject of months of investigation by federal agents has resulted in at least nine arrests. Drug Enforcement Administration officials claim to have seized 150 pounds of synthetic marijuana...
Colorado drug crimes may result in disenfranchisement
People who face drug charges in Colorado might believe that if they are convicted they will serve their sentence and that will be the only part of their conviction. However, they might not realize that they might be restricted in their voting rights.Across the...