Most motorists in Colorado instantly appreciate that getting pulled over by a cop and being subsequently ticketed for one or more traffic offenses does not make for a good day.
In fact, getting a citation for a behind-the-wheel infraction can have adverse implications spanning well more than the short term. Even the issuance of a single ticket for something like speeding, failure to signal or driving without insurance can yield a material spike in insurance rates. And coupled with that is the instant potential for a violator to become a heightened target for Colorado police in the future.
As serious as things can be for drivers of passenger vehicles, they can become materially worse, and quickly, for any Colorado motorist who holds a commercial driver’s license (CDL).
As we duly note on a relevant page of our website at the Denver law firm of Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., if you are a Colorado resident with a CDL who drives professionally for a living, “a DUI or traffic offense may be the end of your driving career.”
That is harsh, indeed, but simple fact. State regulators and law enforcers play what is essentially a zero-sum game when it comes to the stringent penalties meted out to commercial drivers who have been cited for a traffic-related or criminal offense.
What some drivers find with horror is that they suffer immediate license suspension from one month for up to a year. Some select CDL holders permanently lose their right to drive commercially within the state.
That is obviously sobering news, and readily suggests that a commercial driver facing imperiled driving privileges might reasonably want to immediately contact an experienced and aggressive defense attorney for help.
The attorneys at Shazam Kianpour are proven CDL defense lawyers who routinely advocate diligently on behalf of commercial drivers who are facing stark legal challenges.
We welcome contacts to our firm. And we note that, if you are a driver who needs our help, “We won’t stop fighting for you.”