When you are facing sex crime charges of any sort, your life might seem to stop. The people who you once socialized with might not be willing to be associated with you any longer. You might be forced out of your job pending the outcome of your case. This can affect...
Sex Crimes
How can forensic evidence impact a sex crime case?
Sex-related crimes can sometimes hinge on he-said-she-said evidence; however, there are some cases that include forensic evidence. This type of evidence can have a huge impact on the case, so it is important for people who are facing a sex crime charge that is based...
Know your options for case resolution in sex-related cases
When you are accused of sex-related crimes, your future is unsure. You are facing possible time in prison, fines and other penalties if you are convicted. There aren't any guarantees in these cases, so you should be sure that you shore up your defense to prepare for...
Sex-related crimes involving children have strict penalties
Sex-related crimes of any sort are difficult to have to stand against. When the crime is one that involves a child, it can be especially difficult for defendants to fight back against the claims of the prosecution. Understanding some of the basic points about criminal...
Attacking the alleged victim might backfire in sex-related cases
In a previous blog post, we discussed the difference between sexual contact and sexual assault. If you recall, the big difference is whether there was penetration or not. Sexual contact doesn't involve penetration and sexual assault does involve penetration. This...
Defend yourself against charges for statutory rape
Statutory rape is something that can sometimes be misunderstood. There are many laws in place that prevent people over the age of 21 from having sexual relationships with minors. However, there are also laws in place that allow certain age gaps and acceptable age...
The texts you send might land you in legal trouble
Texting is quickly becoming one of the most common forms of communicating. While most people send texts that are harmless, others send texts that are sexual in nature. Those sexual texts have been termed sexts. What some people might not realize is that sexting can...
Officer falsely accused of sexual assault speaks out
Sexual assault is a serious charge, and when someone is faced with it, the stories can quickly begin to build against them. When an alleged victim comes forward, it's typically required that the police look into the allegations, but this can mean painting a person's...
16-year-old charged after tweeting naked ‘selfie’
Due to the prevalence of naked "selfies" and "sexting," Colorado has seen an increase in sexual exploitation of a child and child pornography cases. "Selfie" is a word that has developed over the past few years and refers to a photo that a person takes of him or...
Tampering with ankle bracelet will soon mean immediate arrest
When an individual is released on parole, he or she is often equipped with an ankle monitoring bracelet that tracks the parolee's whereabouts at all times. Tampering with the ankle monitoring bracelets is illegal and can get a parolee in serious trouble. Currently,...