Driving under the influence is serious charge with a serious reputation. Many people only think of the acronym "DUI" in terms of a driver who drank too much alcohol. However, there are cases where people get behind the wheel of a car while under the influence of...
Reminder: work with experienced attorney in drugged driving defense
A recent article highlighted the confusing state of affairs in Colorado at present with respect to drugged driving. According to the article, the passing of several years since the legalization of recreational marijuana has done little to clarify issues of roadway...
Drugged driving also poses big problem
When you hear the acronym "DUI" it is perfectly natural for your mind to immediately think of drunk driving, as if DUIs are only for people who drive under the influence of alcohol. However, drugged driving is a major problem in our society, and receiving a DUID...
Hold the mayo and glass particles
It was a typically busy noon-hour at a neighbor market. People were stopping by for sandwiches and salads, or to quickly grab a few items from its shelves stocked with fine cheeses, wines and baked goods. It was in those busy moments that an SUV slammed through the...
DUID: Not what the doctor ordered
It can begin with something as innocent and painful as a sprained ankle. Every time you take a step, you wince. Simple tasks are made difficult. The solution is simple: you ask your doctor for medication to keep the pain under control. He or she obliges -- and that's...
Study: Drugged driving on the rise
Drunk driving has dropped over recent years, a new report states, while drugged driving is on the rise. The Governors Highway Safety Association study says that marijuana legalization and surging prescription medication use leading causes of in the increase in drivers...
Does Colorado regret legalizing marijuana?
A day later, a week later and even three years after making a big purchase, people can experience buyer's remorse. A new poll suggests that Coloradoans are experiencing buyer's remorse after voting in 2012 to legalize marijuana. But some say the poll results are...
Is Xanax like alcohol in a pill?
As its popularity in treating anxiety has soared over the years, Xanax -- known in its generic form as alprazolam -- has simultaneously become one of the most widely abused prescription drugs. The medication helps users feel relaxed and calm; sometimes sleepy and...
The facts about Xanax, driving and DUID
Our world is an agitating place, with nonstop streams of detailed information coming at us from all directions. It is no surprise then that anti-anxiety drug Xanax is one of the most prescribed medications on the market.According to the Physician's Desk Reference...
Colorado lawmakers considering marijuana DUI proposal
When a Denver police officer arrests someone for driving while impaired, the state does not track whether that arrest involved alcohol, marijuana, Xanax or other drugs. All Colorado DUI arrests are lumped into a single category.That makes it impossible for those who...