Over 10,000 Criminal Cases Handled in the Denver Area

Plan for holiday parties now to avoid problems later

On Behalf of | Oct 21, 2016 | Drunk Driving Charges |

The holidays are just around the corner, and that means that it is time to start planning the social events. Many of these social events, including Halloween parties, will include alcohol. If you plan on drinking alcoholic beverage, now is the time that you should start planning how to get home.

There are many reasons to find a way to get home that won’t involve you driving drunk. One of the main reasons is safety because you don’t want to hurt or kill yourself or someone else in a drunk driving accident. Another reason is that you don’t want to have to face legal issues because of drunk driving.

Drunk driving charges are very serious and can affect every part of your life. We know that you might not realize the full extent of the impact. You will have to deal with criminal charges, as well as with the administrative penalties of drunk driving. This means that you may lose your license.

Think about all of the things you rely on driving to get done. Getting to work, grocery shopping and running errands are just a few. None of those would be as easy if you didn’t have your driver’s license.

If you end up trying to drive yourself home after a holiday event and get stopped for the suspicion of drunk driving, you need to be aware of your rights during the traffic stop. If charges are filed against you, we need to get started on your defense right away. There isn’t any time to delay, especially if you plan to try to fight against the license suspension that is likely going to occur.

