Last week, we wrote a post that served as a warning to Colorado residents about drinking during the Super Bowl and then getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Many people heeded that warning — and unfortunately, many people didn’t. According to a task force of 76 law enforcement agencies that had a goal of finding drunk drivers during Super Bowl Weekend, there were 276 drunk driving arrests from Feb. 5 to Feb.8 under this heightened DUI patrol.
That’s a pretty significant increase from the 234 arrests that were made in 2016. Given that the Denver Broncos were in, and won, the Super Bowl, that certainly played a role in the increase year over year.
Regardless of any change in the number of DUI arrests during that particular weekend, that’s still a lot of people who are going to be thrust into a very difficult situation. Their lives may never be the same. Their reputations will be tarnished and they may not even be able to keep their jobs — let alone all of the financial penalties and costs involved with a DUI.
Given all of these tremendous consequences that are possible as a result of a DUI, it behooves any person accused of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs to consult with an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible. Don’t assume the worst, and don’t give up out of a feeling remorse. You need to defend yourself no matter what the circumstances are of your arrest.
Source: Denver Post, “Law enforcement sacks 276 impaired drivers during Super Bowl weekend,” Natalie Munio, Feb. 12, 2016