A Proven Criminal Defense Team

Colorado school calls student’s prescribed use of THC ‘possession’

On Behalf of | Feb 8, 2011 | Drug Charges |

As a parent, it’s never easy to see your child struggling with illness or pain. You want to be able to fix it so your son or daughter can live a relatively normal and healthy life. For one Colorado family, the only way their teen can live such a life is with the help of medical marijuana.

According to The Colorado Independent, the teen’s school is basically posing an ultimatum: The teen can either refrain from using and being under the influence of THC while on school grounds in order to attend school, or he can stay home and relieve his pain with the drug. For a young man who reportedly likes school and wants to learn, it’s a sad position that the school has put him in.

Why does the teen need to use medical marijuana? Sources report that the young man suffers from a rare condition called diaphragmatic and axial myoclonus. As a result of the condition, the boy sometimes suffers from seizures that can last up to an entire day. The THC in medical marijuana reportedly works better than any other drugs to control his seizures.

To try to convince the student’s school to rethink its stance on the situation, the student’s family had his doctor write a note supporting why the teen should be allowed to use THC and stay in school without being accused of possession. She included a detailed list of all other drugs that have failed to control the boy’s condition and assured readers that the student is fully functional on the drug.

The school continues to stand firm in its position and says that they are merely following the law. It only makes sense, therefore, that the teen’s family would seek help from community lawmakers. Sources claim that the boy’s father has reached out to Senators John Morse and Greg Brophy and Representative Mark Barker. Says Brophy of the troubling case: “Tragic. Zero tolerance policies are for people with zero intelligence.”

We will post an update when new information in this case develops.


The Colorado Independent: “Teen’s medical marijuana fight escalates as school says he cannot come back to class after going home for medicine,” Scot Kersgaard, 7 Feb. 2011

