A Proven Criminal Defense Team

Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C. — Founder Shazam Kianpour Shares Time and Hobby with Injured Children

On Behalf of | May 7, 2010 | Criminal Defense Articles |

(Denver, Colo.) May 7 – Firm founder Shazam Kianpour of criminal defense law firm Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., located in Denver, Colo., demonstrated his commitment to community building with a surprise visit to injured children at The Children’s Hospital in Aurora, Colo., on Sunday, May 2.

Said Attorney Kianpour, “Much of my time is occupied by fighting for my clients in courtrooms,” he added, “so I’m grateful for every chance I get to share the fun of my hobby with kids unfortunate enough to have been injured.”

Mr. Kianpour flew a scale model of the F-100 Super Sabre supersonic jet fighter that was used by the United States Air Force from the mid 1950s to the early 1970s. The plane was famous for its gleaming silver skin and backswept wings.

Mr. Kianpour is a man of diverse interests – he speaks French and Farsi and has a degree in Cultural Anthropology – and a criminal defense attorney with a singular focus: the successful defense of his clients.

As the founder and lead attorney of Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., Attorney Kianpour and his legal team defend clients accused of DUI-DWAI, drug crimes, federal crimes, fraud and identity theft, traffic violations, violent crimes, white collar crimes, burglary and theft, and juvenile crimes, among others.

Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., includes attorneys Jeff Wolf, and Stephanie Rikeman.

The main campus of The Children’s Hospital is at 13123 East 16th Avenue in Aurora, Colo.

For more information about Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., contact Kim Willey at 720-407-2582 or go to shazamlaw.com.

