Going away to college is a massive adjustment for students, but your student starts college classes with 12-plus years in school as experience. While new courses may be more demanding, they more or less know how to take notes, study, write papers, and take tests....
Sex Crimes
The truth about youth who commit sex offenses
Sexually inappropriate behavior by minors must be addressed, but youngsters should be treated differently than adults. Doing so serves the best interests of the child and the community. Adolescents are continually changing, developing and learning, so it should be no...
Sexual consent and its use as a defense
The sexual consent rules mean that partners must consent to sexual activity in all its forms, including touching. No consent before engaging in sexual activity could mean rape or sexual assault. The partners must freely consent each time, respect personal boundaries,...
Colorado court: don’t imply proof of sex crime, just argue your case
All criminal allegations are not equal. Put another way: Some accusations leveled by Colorado police officers and prosecutors come with comparatively heavy consequences. Take sex charges, for example, which we spotlight on our website at the Denver law firm of Shazam...
Why is sexting so problematic for teens?
Let's salute youth. It certainly has its rewards. Life is full of promise. Every day is a new adventure. New friends are potentially around every corner. The experimentation tied to experience and learning is often bold and exciting. Disclaimer: Adolescence also comes...
Unwary teens’ online behavior can reap harsh criminal consequences
Colorado parents know all about the vulnerabilities of their children, who are understandably prone to occasionally rash behavior and questionable judgment as they work their way toward adulthood. Moms and dads were once kids, too, and know that the road to maturity...
CO child abuse-linked statute of limitations bill shot down
Colorado is similar to other states across the country in imposing mandatory reporting requirements upon select individuals having knowledge of sexual abuse being inflicted on children by third parties.The list of persons tasked with that duty is long. As noted on a...
Judicially, criminal lineups are a big deal: Why?
If you are in criminal custody in Colorado and instructed to enter a room at the police station along with several other individuals to participate in a lineup, you might reasonably have some concerns. There is an alleged eyewitness to criminal conduct -- e.g., a sex...
Federal judge puts Colorado sex-offender registry in news again
It can hardly be argued that the Colorado sex-offender registry is a controversial, even contentious, law enforcement tool.On the one hand, proponents understandably laud it. They say that it serves to promote safety by educating the public as to offenders, relevant...
Once again, forensic lab work is under a cloud
Proven criminal defense attorneys in Colorado and across the country are never surprised upon hearing stories of less-than-accurate work being uncovered in DNA testing labs in the various states.And they don't feel vindicated in any "see, I told you so" manner when...