Colorado Department of Transportation officials can’t say for sure whether their notably aggressive DUI enforcement campaigns are having appreciable effects out on state streets and highways.They can say this with certainty, though: The funding well for the so-called...
Drunk Driving Charges
Successive Colorado DUI campaigns yield huge arrest numbers
Fall Festivals reasonably enough sounds like a pleasant and entertaining event, doesn’t it? Something along the lines of a Colorado music extravaganza, perhaps, or a shared wine-tasting experience. Some people might envision an organized caravan of cars out on state...
What does Colorado law say about sobriety checkpoints?
It is only natural that a spotlight presently falls upon so-called sobriety checkpoints, given all the media hype recently concerning holiday-linked DUI enforcement campaigns (including in Colorado; reference our August 20 blog post on the annual The Heat is On...
Alleged violation of constitutional rights in Colorado DUI case
A police officer in a small town near Denver had a conversation with a woman outside her home on a May evening last year.That exchange took a turn when the Erie resident ended the interaction and sought to enter her house via its adjoining garage. The officer grabbed...
Boating-linked drinking charges in CO are no big deal, right?
The above blog headline query in today’s post comes with an implied ending. Namely, that stresses the distinction between a criminal charge levied upon a Colorado resident for drunk driving on a roadway and exactions applied against an intoxicated boater,...
Stories like this are what throws BAC accuracy into question
Here we go again.A story concerning an important component in the realm of select police/motorist interactions is garnering increasing interest across the country.That it is might reasonably strike many of our readers across Colorado as starkly unsurprising. For,...
DPD officer’s case underscores jail alternatives in DUI cases
The following story was bound to get a lot of attention.And it already has, with pundits stressing contrary views regarding what qualifies as an appropriate response in a case involving a Denver Police Department officer with a demonstrated history of problematic...
Warm in January: once again, DUI enforcement heat brought to bear
You know the drill, of course. We suspect that virtually every Colorado motorist has grown closely attuned to the ramped-up police efforts to spot, arrest and criminally convict drunk drivers that regularly feature across the state. We occasionally spotlight those...
Basic fact about drunk driving: virtually anyone can be charged
There are a number of notable facets surrounding a police stop and subsequent treatment of a Colorado motorist suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. The novelty of the experience and sheer anxiety associated with it, for example. A DUI encounter is a...
No doubt about it: Colorado law enforcers are serious about DUI.
It's one thing to talk a tough game, and another thing to follow through on the rhetoric.Regarding the subject of drunk driving, Colorado law enforcers unquestionably do both.State motorists are regularly reminded by officials and criminal authorities of the outsized...