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Law enforcement geared up for DUI push

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2022 | Drug Charges, Drunk Driving Charges, DUI and DWAI Charges, DUID |

The Labor Day weekend is fast approaching. Many see it as the unofficial end of summer, with cooler temps on the horizon. The three-day holiday weekend also is the final big push for DUI enforcement by law enforcement across the country. Here in Colorado, Colorado State Patrol (CSP) and other local law enforcement agencies launched a campaign from August 17 through September 8 to crack down on impaired driving.

According to a recent press release, there have been 655 DUI arrests in the state over the summer’s previous enforcement periods. Last year’s Labor Day initiative included 542 impaired driver arrests, with 81 agencies participating. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, the agencies are taking such steps as:

  • Saturation patrols to locate impaired drivers
  • Extra personnel on the roads
  • Extra patrol shifts each evening between 7 PM and 2 AM
  • Heightened alert by officers
  • Shifts solely dedicated to impaired driving enforcement
  • Overtime available to officers

Drivers still have rights

Despite the increased focus on impaired driving enforcement, drivers are still innocent until proven guilty. It is essential for those stopped and arrested during this push to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney with experience representing those accused of DUI, DWAI or DUID.

