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Spotlight on CO’s annual spring DUI enforcement crackdown

On Behalf of | May 25, 2021 | Drunk Driving Charges |

Colorado hardly takes a one-and-done approach toward law enforcers’ efforts to identify intoxicated motorists and thereafter subject them to some of the nation’s harshest drunk driving penalties.

Their actions in that regard are persistent and ongoing, as referenced by a Denver Post article last year spotlighting one notably high-profile DUI enforcement campaign.

That is the so-called Heat Is On initiative, a recurrently rolled-out effort that ultimately carries a punitive sting for high numbers of Colorado motorists each time it is launched.

Drivers are just about to be served with their annual spring reminder of that.

Memorial Day weekend Heat Is On: potent surveillance

“Casual” is not a word logically linked with any specific Heat Is On initiative, especially the Memorial Day weekend campaign. Here are a couple relevant takeaways supplied in the Post peace that emerged from last year’s crackdown:

  • 231 alleged drunk drivers arrested statewide
  • Participation from 84 police agencies ranging from individual departments in scores of municipalities to the Colorado State Patrol

The number of cited motorists merits a special comment having potential relevance for this year’s period. Last year was dominated by the COVID-19 epidemic, of course, which led to markedly diminished traffic on state roads.

This year’s holiday period promises to be different. Just for reference, 2019’s pandemic-free Memorial Day weekend Heat campaign netted 323 arrests, a mark exceeding last year’s effort by more than 40%.

Whatever the outcome, state law enforcers vow to be vigilant and busy this time around. A top official with the Colorado Department of Transportation underscores that, citing enforcers’ goal of “eliminating impaired driving.”

Getting legal help in the wake of a DUI arrest

Most Colorado motorists know the material risks of underestimating a DUI conviction – even for a first offense – in Colorado. One established Denver criminal defense legal source duly notes that a drunk driving charge is unquestionably “a big deal.”

Acting with resolve and dispatch in the wake of an arrest can make a material difference in outcome for a Colorado driver. A proven and empathetic legal team can provide further information and, when necessary, diligent representation in a DUI case.

