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Key takeaways regarding Colorado’s ignition interlock law

On Behalf of | Dec 29, 2020 | Drunk Driving Charges |

We have noted in many prior Shazam Kianpour & Associates blog posts the zero-sum approach that state officials and law enforcers take regarding drunk driving offenses.

To wit: If you are arrested on a DUI charge, authorities will diligently seek a criminal conviction marked by maximum penalties. Jail time might feature. Significant fines and linked financial outlays are a certainty. Lengthy license suspension and even revocation could be a possibility. Many offenders are required to attend drug/alcohol classes. A community service obligation is often imposed.

And there is this too: mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device. We note this “incredible invention” on our website and stress additionally that Colorado law “requires ignition interlock in drivers’ cars beginning with the first offense.”

It wasn’t always that way, but times have changed. Empirical evidence has emerged over the years that strongly confirms the effectiveness of IIDs in keeping repeat DUI offenders off roadways. Colorado has joined many other states that now mandate IID installation following even an initial drunk driving conviction.

The ignition interlock device process in Colorado is closely tied to post-DUI license suspension and timing issues relevant to reinstatement.

The bottom line, as noted in an overview of Colorado’s IID law and requirements: A convicted drunk driver “may qualify for early reinstatement with the installation of an ignition interlock.”

Every case will vary, with an outcome centrally depending on these two key factors:

  • Prior history of drunk driving offenses
  • Blood-alcohol level detected at time of arrest

Questions or concerns regarding IID installation or any other matter relevant to a Colorado DUI arrest can be directed to a proven Denver criminal defense legal team.

