Over 10,000 Criminal Cases Handled in the Denver Area

Another CO DUI campaign, another massive arrest count

On Behalf of | Jun 3, 2019 | Drunk Driving Charges |

Regular readers of our blogs at the Denver criminal defense law firm of Shazam Kianpour & Associates know well that drunk driving enforcement crackdowns across the state are hardly a rare occurrence.

In fact, they spell a recurrent pattern for Colorado motorists. State drivers are well accustomed to seeing beefed-up roving police patrols, sobriety checkpoints and additional tools/measures rolled out annually in successive DUI campaigns.

The so-called “Winter Blitz” is just one of many representative examples we could quickly cite. We referenced that state initiative in an earlier blog entry from this year. We noted in our January 22 post that it simply marks “the first of 15 specified DUI enforcement crackdowns conducted each year under the auspices of the state’s Department of Transportation.”

We spotlight for the first time today yet another massive DUI-focused program overseen by the CDOT. Namely, that is the Whole System Whole Safety (WSWS) initiative, which yielded an up-close-and-personal encounter for legions of Colorado drivers over a recent five-week period.

In fact, the WSWS program netted a stunning 1,700-plus drunk driving arrests statewide by the time it concluded in Mid-May.

Such a result is hardly surprising when the sheer scope of the operation is considered. Reportedly, more than 100 enforcement agencies spanning the state took part in the effort, with the stated goal of spotting drunk drivers and securing criminal convictions against them.

“Enforcement is a critical component of the program,” stressed a CDOT principal following its conclusion.

The bottom-line reality is that Colorado law enforcers take a harsh and uncompromising stance toward alleged behind-the-wheel intoxication every day of the year, whether a DUI campaign is active or not.

The potential consequences can be dire in any case. A criminally charged driver might reasonably want to reach out for help immediately to a proven and aggressive DUI defense legal team.

