Fall Festivals reasonably enough sounds like a pleasant and entertaining event, doesn’t it? Something along the lines of a Colorado music extravaganza, perhaps, or a shared wine-tasting experience. Some people might envision an organized caravan of cars out on state roadways that afford especially compelling views of changing autumn landscapes.
And then there’s reality, which denotes Falls Festivals as something altogether different. In fact, that catchy title has a quite narrow and specific focus.
And that is this: to identify, arrest and convict Colorado motorists on drunk driving criminal charges.
Is Festivals effective in doing that?
You bet it is. The campaign’s tenure this year from September 14 to October 22 yielded the arrests of an eye-popping 1,801 drivers statewide. Math-inclined readers of our criminal defense blog at Denver-based Shazam Kianpour & Associates might be able to mentally extrapolate that number, as did one recent media account chronicling Colorado law enforcers’ successive and ongoing anti-DUI crackdowns against state drivers. During that period, more than 45 people were arrested on average each day.
As experienced Colorado drivers know well, state anti-DUI initiatives do not unfold only occasionally and sporadically. This year, for example, Falls Festivals piggybacked on additional enforcement efforts, like the more recent statewide Halloween weekend campaign. That crackdown reportedly netted an additional 349 DUI arrests across the state.
Our readers likely know what is coming next, which is – yes – more ongoing efforts to stop and convict drivers on criminal offenses. The Heat Is On campaign will roll out this coming Friday for a 10-day focus that extends through the Thanksgiving holiday. And, of course, the Christmas season looms large.
We wish all our readers, and drivers spanning the state, a safe, happy and problem-free motoring experience during this busy and exciting time of the year.
And we add this: Motorists who need legal help owing to a traffic-related matter can turn to proven defense attorneys who always stand ready to provide knowledgeable and aggressive assistance aimed at securing best-case outcomes.