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Labor Day DUI blitz is over — and there were many DUI citations

On Behalf of | Sep 15, 2017 | Firm News |

A few weeks ago, we told you about the upcoming Labor Day DUI blitz in Colorado. This particular DUI crackdown is part of the state’s larger “The Heat in On” DUI campaign, which consists of 14 specific DUI enforcement periods that occur throughout the year, including the most recent one over Labor Day weekend.

Well, now that Labor Day has come and gone, we now know how many DUI citations were given during this crackdown — and the number is a lot higher than last year.

Nearly 1200 DUI citations this year

According to reports made available by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), this year’s Labor Day DUI blitz resulted in 1184 impaired driving citations, which is 210 more than last year’s total of 974 — representing an astonishing 22 percent increase.

And even though summer may be coming to an end, it is important to remember that there are still several more DUI enforcement periods in Colorado this year, including the “Fall Festivals” DUI blitz, which actually starts today and runs through October 23.

So if you plan to attend any football games, beer festivals or tailgate parties over the next five weeks, you better be prepared to see more cops on the road as well as additional sobriety checkpoints.

If you are stopped as part of this crackdown, you need to remember that you do have certain rights, including the right to say, “No thanks,” when police ask you to take part in voluntary roadside sobriety tests or preliminary breath tests. However, unlike these roadside tests, you will face possible penalties if you refuse testing following arrest, such as a blood test or an official Breathalyzer test.

