Over 10,000 Criminal Cases Handled in the Denver Area

Drive-and-text law in Colorado could be changing dramatically

On Behalf of | May 22, 2017 | Traffic Violations |

Here’s a fundamental point about traffic tickets received in Denver and across Colorado: Although one or two of them spread out over time might reasonably seem to be nothing more than isolated instances without much cumulative effect, violations can in effect add up in an alarming manner, with state authorities having a long memory.

And that brings consequences.

We duly note this on the Traffic Violations Defense page of our website at the proven criminal defense firm of Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., in Denver: “[S]everal minor traffic tickets that seem inconsequential can add up, marking a driver as a habitual traffic offender … and resulting in a five-year license suspension.”

And as long as the list of traffic offenses with penalties that bite already is in Colorado, it now seems imminently poised to take a quantum leap in stringency following the easy movement of a new traffic-related bill through the state’s General Assembly recently.

SB 27, which has been approved in resounding fashion in both the Colorado Senate and House of Representatives and now awaits Gov. Hickenlooper’s signature (reportedly, a virtual given), seeks to dramatically increase existing penalties applicable to drivers who text.

To wit: If enacted as law, the bill will jack up a first-offense exaction from a $50 fine and one point assessed on a driving record to a $300 outlay and a whopping four points.

As we stress above, that type of state response — especially coupled with another ticket or two received over time — can yield a materially adverse downside for a state motorist.

In many instances, a ticket in hand does not carry automatic consequences. Many citations can be challenged on various grounds by knowledgeable and aggressive legal counsel.

In such matters, though, time is often of the essence. A motorist with questions or concerns regarding any traffic citation might reasonably want to contact an experienced defense attorney who routinely represents clients in driving-related matters without delay.

