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Football player faces drug charges after altercation in bar

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2016 | Drug Possession |

A good moment can so quickly become a regrettable one when tempers run unchecked. Two of University of Colorado’s players, fresh off clinching a victory that placed the team in the Pac-12 title game, came to blows while celebrating at bar after the win. What could have been a relatively simple matter of assault became more serious charges, however. While one player was arrested on third-degree assault charges, the other player, who was knocked out in the altercation, was found to have two small baggies of an unidentified substance in his wallet when searched by the police. 

The player who was carrying the substances was still unconscious when he was searched by police, but when the police brought up his wallet later on, when he was recovering in a hospital room, he voluntarily admitted that he had drugs in his possession. he is now facing charges of suspected drug possession an intent to distribute. 

Aside from the consequences it may have on the player’s future career (he was not be eligible to play in title game), drug charges are a serious matter that must taken seriously. Moreso than other kinds of non-violent charges, drug charges can carry very heavy consequences that can derail a career, or an entire life, if not handled well. 

If you are facing drug charges, you deserve to have the very best defense possible. Whether it is a career playing a sport, or simply a life outside of incarceration, you should not have to pay a huge portion of your life for a foolish moment of indiscretion. The guidance of an experienced attorney can help you mount the best possible defense against these charges and hopefully get back to making wise choices sooner than later. 

Source: Deadspin.com, “Colorado Player Arrested For Drug Possession After Allegedly Being Knocked Out By Teammate,” Nick Martin, Nov. 29, 2016 

