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Man sentenced to vehicular homicide for drunk driving accident

On Behalf of | Nov 25, 2016 | Vehicular Assault or Homicide |

No one wants to hurt another person in a moment of foolishness, but drunk drivers often find themselves in just this situation. Unfortunately, those same drivers often make the double mistake of being overcome by the weight of the situation and making things much worse for themselves in the process.

A young Denver man is facing serious charges after just such an accident when he allegedly ran a red light while accelerating to about 60 mph, crashing into another vehicle and leaving the driver fatally injured.

The man had set himself up for a heavy sentencing by driving without insurance and on a cancelled license, while also wanted on a warrant. To make matters worse, when police arrived at the scene of the crash, he began incriminating himself to the officers, offering up freely that he had been drinking prior to the accident and took responsibility for the crash, saying “I’m sorry I messed up,” and “I was just trying to catch the light.” The man has been convicted of vehicular homicide.

While it is certainly better for everyone to avoid driving when after drinking, offering up information that may incriminate you without legal counsel is never a wise choice. Especially if you have been drinking, you may not know all the factors that contributed to the accident, so claiming full responsibility, while it may seem like the only noble option in the moment, may not even be accurate.

If you are concerned that you may find yourself in a drunk driving accident, even if it is a slight possibility, it is best to form a relationship with a lawyer before you need one. This way, when the need arises, you’ll know exactly who to call to ensure that your rights remain protected and that an already bad situation doesn’t become worse than it needs to be.

Source: The Denver Post, “Man convicted of vehicular homicide while driving drunk in fatal Lakewood crash,” Jesse Paul, Nov. 09, 2016

