Over 10,000 Criminal Cases Handled in the Denver Area

When Does DUI Enforcement Go Too Far?

On Behalf of | Oct 3, 2016 | Drunk Driving Charges |

Should drivers be on the road while under the influence of alcohol? You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who would answer “yes” to that question.

However, it is still important that efforts to curb DUI and protect innocent motorists and passengers do not threaten the rights of law abiding citizens.

Targeted DUI enforcement efforts often forego the concept of “innocent until proven guilty”, assuming that people are engaged in wrongdoing based on nothing more than attending a certain event or being on the road at a certain time.

This was evidenced by law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming joining foreces to target football fans this past weekend.

Law enforcement agencies in Wyoming and Colorado teamed up to target fans after Saturday night’s “Border War” between the University of Wyoming and Colorado State University.

The rivalry game generates a considerable amount of traffic on U.S. Highway 287 between Laramie, Wyoming and Fort Collins, Colorado, as well as Interstate 25 between Cheyenne, Wyoming and Fort Collins, where the game is held, according to the Denver Post.

We are all in agreement that driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a poor decision and that our laws should be enforced. But we also believe that people should not be targeted in a way that casts aspersions based on their having attended their alma maters football game.

