It’s the kind of traffic story no one wants to see: seven people injured in a crash, including two young girls and three young girls, as well as two women and a man. Their injuries include broken bones and ribs, according to a Denver TV station.
The four-vehicle crash in Edgewater began, police said, when a 33-year-old woman driving a Mercury Mountaineer southbound on Sheridan Boulevard rammed into a vehicle coming out of a parking lot, flipping the vehicle over. The Mountaineer’s driver now faces charges of vehicular assault, reckless driving, drunk driving, operating a vehicle while driver’s license is revoked and operating a vehicle while a habitual traffic offender. She is currently hospitalized with life-threatening head injuries, according to a report.
People in similar situations face not only those charges, but an uncertain future that might contain prison time. When asked by law enforcement officials to make statements, they should politely decline and ask instead to see an attorney experienced in DUI defense and vehicular homicide and vehicular assault cases.
The allegations are at the very top of the list of the most serious that can be filed against a Denver driver. That is why it is so important for accused drivers to discuss the details of their case with an attorney who understands not only the law, but also the most effective defenses in these matters. Someone who can conduct a full-scale investigation of what happened; someone who can look at police and prosecutor procedures to ensure complete compliance with the law at all times.
In some situations, a criminal defense law firm will advise clients to enter negotiations for a favorable plea deal. In other situations, the firm will advise that your rights and interests are best protected at trial. Please our Vehicular Assault and Vehicular Homicide page to find out how Shazam Kianpour & Associates can help you.