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What penalties could Ty Lawson face for a second DUI conviction?

On Behalf of | Jan 26, 2015 | Repeat DUI/DWAI Offenders |

Sports fans recently woke up to the news that Denver Nuggets point guard Ty Lawson had been arrested for drunken driving. Reports said it was Lawson’s second DUI arrest.

Many people wonder what penalties Lawson could face if he’s convicted of a second-offense DUI.

The Nuggets’ leading scorer was reportedly arrested on Park Avenue, north of the Fillmore Auditorium at about 1:15 a.m. A police report stated that the 27-year-old was driving a white Mercedes at 61 mph in a 35 mph zone.

Police pulled him over for speeding, but stated that Lawson smelled of alcohol, slurred his words and had bloodshot eyes. He was asked to submit to a chemical test, but declined.

He did submit to a roadside sobriety test, however, which he reportedly failed (police said he was unsteady on his feet).

He apparently told a police officer that he had consumed alcohol before driving, though the news report we read did not include any mention of the amount Lawson admitted drinking or when he drank it.

The TV station report did have an interesting line in it, however: “Lawson was arrested per his request, police said.” There was no explanation of why the Nuggets’ star would ask to be arrested.

He also apparently told the officer that he “was the subject of a previous DUI out of the state of Missouri.” In that incident, he reportedly pleaded guilty to driving after underage drinking.

So what punishment does he potentially faced if he’s convicted and the conviction stands as a second DUI offense?

A second-offense DUI can result in a driver’s license suspension of a year; a first offense can result in up to a license suspension of up to 9 months.

A first offense can result In 2 to 180 days in jail, while a second DUI conviction can mean 60 days to 1 year of incarceration.

It’s probably safe to assume that the Nuggets star won’t face those possible penalties and the criminal justice system without the assistance of an attorney experienced in DUI defense. Your rights and liberties deserve no less. 

