Over 10,000 Criminal Cases Handled in the Denver Area

2005 VHS Monster-In-Law Case Dismissed

On Behalf of | Feb 25, 2014 | Theft & Economic Crimes |

A South Carolina woman spent the night in jail for failing to return a movie she rented. Back in 2005, when she rented the VHS “monster-in-law” the store owners sought a warrant after she failed to return the video.

She was released on a $2,000.00 bond and the case was subsequently dismissed. According to Chief Deputy Creed Hashe, of Pickens County, South Carolina, “the decision to not prosecute this offense was made by the former store owner after considering all of the factors including the level of media attention that has been directed at the business owner.”

The South Carolina woman said that she forgot to return the movie because her husband landed an out of state job and she had to move so she apparently forgot about the movie.

In Colorado, when a person knowingly retains the thing of value more than seventy two hours after the agreed-upon time of return in any lease or hire agreement that person can be charged with theft.

Theft can be charged as a misdemeanor, petty offense, or felony. A class 1 petty offense will be charged, if the value of the thing involved is less than fifty dollars. A misdemeanor will be charged, if the value of the thing involved is fifty dollars or more but less than two thousand dollars. A felony will be charged, if the value of the involved is two thousand or more.

If you are accused of theft, call Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C. for a free consultation with a top notch criminal defense firm located in downtown Denver. We offer free consultations and 24 hour service. Call us today at 720-407-2582!


