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Teacher charged with sexual assault avoids felony charges

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2013 | Sexual Assault |

An Englewood, Colorado teacher recently pled guilty to having sexual relations with one of her students. What’s unusual about this particular teacher’s circumstances is that she will likely receive no jail time as a result of this plea.

The judge was apparently convinced that the teacher had been honest and showed remorse concerning what happened. A psychosexual evaluation ordered by the court apparently did not recommend that she receive any treatment, and it is thought this may have been the reason that she was allowed to plead guilty to lesser charges.

The teacher was given a two year deferred judgment sentence regarding the charged second-degree official misconduct. If she abides by the conditions of the deferred judgment, the misdemeanor sexual assault count is to be dismissed.

The teacher had been facing two Class 3 felony charges of sexual assault on a child as a person in a position of authority. There will be consequences concerning the charges, however. Her guilty plea to the second-degree misconduct charge means that she will never be allowed to teach again.

Many factors need to be taken into account when individuals are charged with these sorts of crimes. In some circumstances, a plea deal may be a worthwhile consideration. In many other circumstances, it may be worthwhile fighting the charges.

These are circumstances that should be discussed fully with an attorney that understands Colorado’s criminal laws and its court system. There are too many factors to take into consideration to wisely go it alone without legal representation.

Source: ourColoradonews.com, “Former Englewood High School teacher pleads guilty,” by Tom Munds, April 8, 2013

  • Individuals charged with sex crimes can find themselves facing serious criminal consequences. Please visit our Denver lawyers’ website concerning the need for legal representation.

