The Labor Day weekend is soon approaching, which means the summer is nearly over. Kids go back to school, and people start preparing for the upcoming fall and winter. For law enforcement, Labor Day weekend marks the end of the “100 Days of Heat” DUI crackdown that they kicked off on Memorial Day weekend.
The program was designed to increase motorist awareness of the aggressive stance that police would be taking toward drunk drivers. Local and state law enforcement agencies participated in the campaign, and have released preliminary numbers concerning DUI arrests that have been made.
To date, police have made 1,300 DUI arrests since kicking off the program. Last year, police arrested over 1,400 drivers for driving under the influence during the same time period. However, since the campaign runs through Labor Day, law enforcement still has time to meet or even exceed last year’s numbers.
The Colorado State Patrol has announced at least 10 sobriety checkpoints that will occur before the end of “100 Days of Heat.” Multiple law enforcement agencies have committed to actively pursuing drunk drivers between now and the busy Labor Day weekend.
For motorists facing DUI charges, the consequences of a conviction can be quite severe. Jail time and high fines may be part of the penalties handed down. Additionally, drivers could lose their license for an extended period of time, which will make daily activities that much more difficult. Repeat offenders can face increased penalties and license suspension times. If a motorist needs a license for their employment, this could place their ability to make a living at risk.
Those who have been arrested for DUI need to know what they can do in their situation. Understanding the potential impact of a conviction can help them make a decision that is best for their future.
Source: “Cops closing out summer DUI crackdown” August 20, 2012.