When a person is killed in a drunk driving accident, often it becomes a very high-profile news story. This can put more public pressure on law enforcement to increase DUI enforcement in certain neighborhoods, meaning that police will aggressively be targeting drunk drivers.
Recently, there have been an increasing number of teenagers that have been killed in drunk driving accidents. This has caused law enforcement personnel to take a closer look at teen drinking within Colorado.
Every two years, the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey is conducted. The survey, administered two children in grades 6 through 12 statewide, attempts to learn about some of the behavior trends among Colorado youths. The most recent results have led to some concern regarding teens and their use of alcohol.
Nearly 19 percent of Colorado teens admitted to drinking within 30 days of the survey, which is above the national average of 15.7 percent. Binge drinking is also on the rise, with over 50 percent of teens who have been drinking within 30 days having 4 or more drinks.
The increase in teen drinking also is demonstrated by an increase in alcohol-related offenses. In 2010, there were 275 incidents; in 2011 the number increased to 304. These numbers include citations for underage drinking as well as underage drinking and driving.
Strict rules are in place for someone under 21 that is convicted of DUI. In addition to the possible loss of a driver’s license, it may make it difficult for an individual to be eligible for certain employment positions. The consequences of a conviction will last long after a case is over. Be sure to know what options are available in order to make a decision that is best for the future.
Source: KJCT8.com “Teen drinking stats drive state push for intervention” Don Coleman, June 25, 2012.