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Colorado law to send ‘bath salt’ users and traders down the drain

On Behalf of | Jun 10, 2012 | Drug Charges |

Laws in Colorado must change with the times in order to reflect the changes that occur from year to year. New technologies develop, and new chemicals are thrown together to create a source of a high for people. A new Colorado drug law is now in effect that is a move to combat a new product being used and traded on the market.

Bath salts are no longer just a luxury item that bath lovers use to pamper their skin. That term has a new meaning, a meaning that has apparently meant more trouble with regards to drug use for authorities here and throughout the country. There’s been a new drug in town, and its effects are similar to other illegal hallucinogenic drugs like cocaine or ecstasy.

Because bath salts are not made up of the same chemicals as cocaine, ecstasy or other already controlled substances, law enforcement couldn’t officially regulate the use and sales of the substance. Legislative focus took on the synthetic drug as a target because users were suffering from the same physical side effects as other illegal drugs. The bill criminalizing the possession and trade of the product might have been passed sooner, but other politics got in the way and postponed the passing and enactment of the new drug law.

More specifically, the new legislation outlaws the possession and trade of products containing a chemical called cathinones, which is currently the chemical used in bath salts to produce a high. Bath salts have been sold in legal stores in the past. Some people, therefore, could have the product and not fully understand what it is and how now that possession or trade now could land them in legal trouble.

Because laws change it can be hard to keep up with them and know when you are in trouble. If there is any doubt or you are arrested and questioned about the possession of a supposedly illegal substance, a criminal defense attorney can provide you the clarity and support that can help you appropriately respond to the situation.

Source: Fox 31 Denver, “Colorado ‘Bath Salts’ ban signed into law,” Marc Sternfield and Eli Stokols, June 7, 2012

