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Child porn charges could be dismissed against Colorado man

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2011 | Sexual Assault |

There are set standards within the legal process. Those standards help to ensure that criminal cases are handled with equal care. They help provide a criminal suspect the best chance at defending his name. The set process helps give defense attorneys and prosecutors equal chance at building a case for or against a defendant.

When those standards are not met and the process doesn’t play out like it is meant to, injustice could be right around the corner. That is why it’s important for justice advocates to look out for process violations that could be putting a defendant at risk of going through an unfair trial. One defendant facing Colorado child pornography charges is currently at risk, at least according to his defense attorney.

The defendant is a police sergeant in Colorado who is in the midst of an extremely serious legal matter. After a 2010 arrest, he was charged with more than 100 counts of child pornography. But based on investigators’ and prosecutors’ supposed violations of the legal process, the defense attorney has requested that a judge take action.

The action could mean giving the defense more time in building its case. It claims that prosecutors have not shared important evidence with the defense, including the computers involved in the child porn allegations. If the judge believes that the process violations were indeed extreme, she could go so far as to dismiss the criminal charges in the case. Charges supported by a negligent legal process shouldn’t stand in court.

When there is a development in this matter, we will post an update. Lax prosecution work is related to more than just this sex crime case; it’s a matter of justice for all facing criminal charges in the area.


Colorado Springs Gazette: “Child porn case against cop in jeopardy due to evidence delay,” Lance Benzel, Dec. 23, 2011

