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Denver drivers are at high risk of getting speeding tickets

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2011 | Traffic Violations |

Local news reports have jumped all over a nationwide study that looks into the number of “speed traps” found in various U.S. states and cities. Colorado residents have great interest in the study because it turns out that there are two cities here that make the top ten list of U.S. locations with the highest number of speed enforcement operations.

The National Motorists Association (NMA) conducted the research and reports that both Denver and Colorado Springs boast relatively high numbers of consistent setups where law enforcement supposedly targets speeding motorists. The study has prompted local debate about the use of so-called “speed traps.”

According to the study, Denver is number four on the list of cities with the most speed enforcement operations per 100,000 residents. Colorado Springs is found just a bit lower on the list at number eight. Colorado law enforcement supports what many drivers call “speed traps.”

Officials report that speeding contributes to many car accidents. If they stop someone who is driving over the speed limit, that stop could prevent injury or death. Giving the suspected speeder a traffic ticket, officials hope, will keep that driver from speeding in the future.

Critics of the speed enforcement strategy see the “traps” as easy ways for the city to make money off of residents, who might be driving only a few miles over the posted speed limit. They believe that law enforcement’s time and effort could be put into more serious problems in the Denver community.

A speeding ticket can easily seem minor, but it can mean more than the cost of a traffic ticket. Drivers’ insurance rates can change due to one ticket. The last thing people need in today’s economy is a higher bill to pay. For that reason and more, fighting a speeding ticket or other traffic ticket is often worthwhile.


9news.com: “Study: Denver No. 4 in U.S. for speed traps,” Eric Kahnert, Sep. 5, 2011

