Last Wednesday, a Colorado man was arrested based on suspicion that he has had inappropriate contact with minors. As a foreign language teacher at Longmont High School, Alex Tinsley has consistent interaction with his young students. It was when an outsider saw Tinsley outside of school with one of his female students that Tinsley was reported as demonstrating behavior that the witness believed went beyond friendly and into the realm of sexual assault on a child.
According to reports, Tinsley was sighted picking up one of his female students from a Colorado mall and then sitting with her at a Starbucks coffee shop nearby. A witness claims she saw Tinsley touching the girl’s leg during the meeting that both Tinsley and the student claim was school-related.
Tinsley is a foreign language teacher at Colorado’s Longmont High School and heads the school’s Karate Club. A trip was planned wherein Tinsley would lead 10 of his students on an educational trip to Japan. As of last week, all of that has been put on hold.
After his alleged illegal behavior was reported last week, Tinsley, accompanied by his wife, reportedly turned himself in to the Longmont Police Department and was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust.
The school district has suspended him from work with pay until the investigation is finalized and can either confirm or disprove the allegations of sexual assault against Tinsley. The parents of the 10 students planning to visit Japan with their teacher have been informed about the charges, and details regarding the status of the trip are unknown at this point. Tinsley, however, will likely not lead the excursion if it does happen.
We will keep you posted on the investigation into this alleged sexual offense as details emerge.
Resource Police arrest 51-year-old Longmont High Teacher