Some prepare for prom by getting their hair done. High school girls buy dresses, while the boys rent tuxedos. Schools spend money on decorations, DJs, entertainment and refreshments. The Denver police force is preparing for prom season by increasing DUI enforcement.
In fact, law enforcement across Colorado is on heightened DUI alert throughout most of April and May — April 10 through May 23, to be exact. That means police officers are already out on the road, actively looking for drunk drivers. For high school students enjoying prom night, a DUI conviction could have major and far-reaching consequences.
Denver police have named this special enforcement period “Heat is on.” Law enforcement will also be distributing information to area teens to get the word, and warning, out.
In Colorado, it is illegal to have alcohol in your possession if you are under 21-years-old. Even if it is unopened, a police officer can charge you, potentially resulting in the loss of your driver’s license. If you are pulled over under suspicion of DUI and charged, you face hundreds of dollars in fines, in addition to losing your license.
For graduating seniors, a DUI conviction could affect acceptance into college. For all high school students, drunk driving charges can negatively impact academic eligibility, and even lessen an individual’s chances of attaining employment.
The best advice for high school students celebrating prom night is to be responsible. Don’t drink and, if you do, don’t get behind the wheel. However, mistakes are sometimes made and misunderstandings may occur. It is important to remember that, during this period, police officers are actively looking to cite drivers for DUI.
If you do find yourself charged with drunk driving, contact an attorney with experience defending against DUI charges as soon as possible.
Related Resources
State Conducts First Prom Season ‘Heat Is On’ DUI Crackdown (Recorder Online)